
Beets and Cabbage Salad-سلطة الملفوف والشمندر

This is a very easy salad. Very fresh and super healthy with very few calories in it.

Cabbage is packed with nutrients and antioxidants. A good source of vitamin C and K. It lowers the cholesterol and helps digestion. As for beets, helps regulate blood pressure, fights inflammation, supports brain health with very little calories in it.

You can buy the beets sliced and ready in a can or jar, or you can buy it fresh. If so, wash and clean. In a saucepan, cover it water and a teaspoon of salt and let it boil and cook until ready. Just like cooking a potato. Drain the water and let it cool off. Peel it and slice it.

Shred or buy ready bagged shredded cabbage, the same one for coleslaw. Add the amount of your choice depending on how many persons. About three cups or fill your salad bowl.
Add the sliced beets, onions, parsley. In a separate small bowl, add the garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt and pepper, whisk together with a small salad whisk or fork and drizzle over your salad.

Shredded Cabbage
Sliced Beets (canned or jarred) plain without additives or flavors
1 tbsp chopped Parsley (optional)
Sliced onions

For the dressing:
1/2 cup of Olive oil
1 squeezed lemon
Salt and pepper to taste
1 small crushed garlic clove

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